Compute over the history of Ethereum in your smart contract
Access more data at a lower cost on-chain, made trustless by the power of ZK. Use transactions, receipts, and historic state in your smart contract.
πŸŽ‰ Axiom V2 is live on mainnet! Read theΒ launch postΒ andΒ developer docsΒ to integrate today. πŸŽ‰
Trustlessly access all historical Ethereum
Use our Typescript SDK to express your
Data-rich on-chain applications
Ante FinanceUniswap Foundation

Trustlessly access Ethereum history

Axiom supports computing over the entire history of Ethereum, verified by ZK proofs on-chain.
Combine data from block headers, accounts, contract storage, transactions, and receipts.
Verify your compute in ZK

Specify computation over the history of Ethereum in Typescript with the Axiom SDK.
Access our library of ZK primitives for arithmetic, logic, and array operations, verifiable on-chain.
Verify query results on-chain

Axiom verifies query results on-chain with ZK proofs and sends them to your smart contract callback.
Build truly trustless on-chain apps with ZK-verified results from Axiom.
Trustlessly access Ethereum history

Axiom supports computing over the entire history of Ethereum, verified by ZK proofs on-chain.
Combine data from block headers, accounts, contract storage, transactions, and receipts.
Verify your compute in ZK

Specify computation over the history of Ethereum in Typescript with the Axiom SDK.
Access our library of ZK primitives for arithmetic, logic, and array operations, verifiable on-chain.
Verify query results on-chain

Axiom verifies query results on-chain with ZK proofs and sends them to your smart contract callback.
Build truly trustless on-chain apps with ZK-verified results from Axiom.
On-chain Accountability
Trustlessly evaluate and pay protocol participants without external oracles. Reward protocol contributions based on on-chain behavior, even in external protocols. Slash for bad behavior according to custom criteria.
Dynamic DeFi
Update protocol parameters based on on-chain history. Adapt AMM fees, lending protocol rates, and structured product pricing to how the market is trading.
Custom Oracles
Settle blockspace markets or on-chain structured products without requiring support from an oracle provider. Customize your governance by tailoring voting power to on-chain activity.
On-chain Loyalty and Incentives
Reward your most loyal users based on their provable record of on-chain activity, without modifying your deployed contracts. Vampire attack your competition by targeting their most valuable users.
Join our team
Join us in unleashing the power of ZK for blockchain applications.
Β© 2024 Intrinsic Technologies